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Billing and Payment

Everything about pricing and invoicing

Heidi Schwick avatar
Written by Heidi Schwick
Updated over a week ago

Q. What is the cost of Booking Space?

A. Monthly, we charge a £5 fee plus 50p per active users in the tool plus 20%VAT. If a user logs into the tool within a month, this is classed as an active user. In the Account billing section of the tool, an Admin or Owner can see how many people have logged in and what the current bill for the month is.

Q. How do I pay for Booking Space?

A. After your 15 day free trial, if you would like to continue with Booking Space, we will need a valid billing email address and address to be entered into the Organisation details on the Organisation settings page. Additionally, you will need to add valid card details to the Account billing section.

Q. How do I add my card details to Booking Space?

A. To do this, either click on the Manage billing button at the top of the screen (this will only be visible if you have no card stored). Alternatively, go to Billing Settings (bottom left). If you have no card added, you will see a button labelled “Subscribe". Click this button and you will be taken to our Payment Provider, Stripe, to enter your card details. You will need to enter:

  • Billing Email address

  • Card Number

  • Expiry Date

  • CVV

  • Cardholder name

  • Check Country/Region

  • Billing Postcode

You will then tick to securely save the card details against the account and add a mobile number for security.

You will then see that your card has been added to your Booking Space account.

Q. How do I change my card details?

A. If you (admin or owner) want to change the stored card details then, navigate to Billing Settings within the Organisation Settings of Booking Space. Here you will see Add card. When you click the button, you will be taken to Stripe payments where you can add your card details. The addition of this card will supersede any previously stored cards. It is likely you will require the mobile phone you registered to receive a security code before proceeding.

Q. How often to I get billed for Booking Space?

A. You will be billed and your nominated card will be charged on the 1st of each month.

Q. How do I know my payment has been successful?

A. We will send an email to the billing address. On the email you will see a link to the invoice, where you can see how much was charged.

Q. What happens if my payment is unsuccessful?

A. If your payment is unsuccessful, we will send a failure email. On receipt of this email, please change your card details. We will then re-try the payment. If we do not receive a successful payment, then your account will be put on hold.

Q. Will I receive invoices for my records?

A. Invoices will be generated monthly and you will find a copy in the Invoices section of Organisation settings.

Q. What Payment Provider do you use?

A. We use Stripe. We accept valid debit/credit cards for payment.

Q. Are my stored card details safe?

A. We do not store any payment details here at Booking Space. They are stored with our payment partner Stripe. Details about their security setup and PCI compliance can be found at Stripe's security page.

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