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Resource Management

Setting up desks, floor plans and shared resources in Booking Space

Heidi Schwick avatar
Written by Heidi Schwick
Updated over a year ago

Q. How do I set up resources for my office in Booking Space?

A. You need to have an Administrator or Owner role to be able to do this in Booking Space. If you have started a free trial with us, you will have automatically been given an Administrator role. Firstly, click on your initials/icon in the top right corner of your home page and navigate to Organisation settings. Once here, you will see an button labelled Resource management. Click in here and this will take you to the Resources page.

Q. How do I add a Building?

A. Click on the Buildings tab and then click on the Add Building button. Complete the building name and address and click the Create building button. One created you will see the name, postcode and country in a table.

Q. How do I edit or delete a Building I have created?

A. Once you have created a Building you will see your Buildings listed in the Resource Management area. Against each Building you will see 3 dots on the right hand side. If you click here you will see the option to edit or delete the Building.

Q. How do I set up a Floor plan in Booking Space?

A. On the Resources page, the first this you need to do is to create a Building. (Need link here) Once created, you can add a floor plan. Click on the Floor plans tab and there you will see a purple button labelled Add floor plan. Click on this button. Now name the floor e.g. Level 1 or Ground Floor Front and select the Building this floor map belongs to. To upload a floor plan click Choose file. If you don’t have a proper floor plan, why not create a simple one using a sketch or drawing tool? Just remember it needs to be either a jpg or png file. Choose the file you wish to upload from your computer and double click on it. You can then click Create floor. You will be taken to the floor plan where you can Add desks. If you notice you have added any incorrect details at this stage, click View floor and here you can click Edit floor details. This will take you back to the Create new floor plan page, where you can amend details and click Update floor.

Q. How do I edit a Floor plan once I have created it?

A. If you upload a floor plan and then need to change it, you will need to change the document at source and re-upload it. Save your new floor plan document onto your computer and then head to the Resources page. If you click on Floor plans you will see a list of all the floor plans you have added. On the right hand side of each plan you will see 3 dots. Click the 3 dots and click Edit floor details. Here you can change the name, building or upload a different floor plan document.

Q. How do I delete a whole Floor plan once I have created it?

A. Head to the Resources page and navigate to the Floor plans tab. Click the 3 dots on the right hand side of the floor plan you want to delete. Choose the Delete floor option and confirm deletion.

Q. How do I add Desk to my Floor plan?

A. If you are adding desks at the same time as uploading your floor plan, you will see an Add desk button in the top right corner. Click on this button and a symbol (grey rectangle with a grey circle will appear). The rectangle is the desk and the circle represent availability. You can move the desk where you want it on the map by clicking the symbol and dragging. Additionally, you can make the symbol smaller or larger by clicking the blue outline and dragging - just have a play! Add and position the desks until you are satisfied! If you want to see an uneditable view of the floor plan, Click the View floor button on the top right hand side of your screen.

If you have added your floor plan and are going into to add desks at a later point, find the relevant floor plan in the Floor plans tab on the Resources page and click the 3 dots on the right hand side. Here, click Edit floor layout. You will be taken to the editable view of the floor plan where you can Add desks.

Q. How to I edit or remove Desks on my Floor plan?

A. To get into the editable view of the floor plan, navigate to the Resources page and then the Floor plans tab. Click the 3 dots on the right hand side of the floor plan you want to edit and click on Edit floor layout. If you want to remove a desk click the desk symbol and when the circle turns purple, a red button will appear labelled Delete desk. Click here and the desk will disappear and the floor plan will refresh. You can also move or resize desks here, just click on the symbol and move it about.

Q. How do I navigate from a Floor plan?

A. To navigate back to Resource settings or to another floor plan, click on the drop down next to the Booking Space logo on the top left hand side of the screen. Here you will see a list of your floor plans as well as Resource settings at the bottom.

Q. How do I create a Shared resource?

A. When creating a Shared resource you don’t need to have created a building, but if you are managing more than one building in the Booking Space tool, then it is advisable. On the Shared resources tab on the Resources page, click Add shared resource. Add the Name, Select the Building or No Building (where relevant) and choose the Type of resource you are adding. The resource types in BookingSpace are Office, Electric car charger, Booths, Meeting room, Sports/ exercise room, Desk, Parking space and Vehicle. Click Create resource and then you have created a bookable resource.

Q. How do I edit a Shared resource?

A. On the Resources page, on the Shared resources tab, you will see your created resources listed. Click the 3 dots on the right hand side of the listing and click Edit resource. This will take you to a page where you can make any edits you require. Click Update resource and your edits will be saved.

Q. How do I delete a Shared resource?

A. On the Resources page, on the Shared resources tab, you will see your created resources listed. Click the 3 dots on the right hand side of the listing and click Delete resource. Confirm the deletion and the resource will be removed.

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